- Weight loss - body fat reduction
- Counteract decrease in metabolic rate whilst dieting
- Increase energy, performance, training volume and quality of training
- Anti-aging benefits
Other health benefits due to its antioxidant

A calorie is a calorie, the advice goes. Eat too much and gain weight. Eat less and lose weight. But many believe weight loss is more than a calorie equation, with so-called new and improved ways to lose weight being ever popular. We spend millions on weight loss foods, products, and services. With that much money at stake, it's no surprise there are an overwhelming number of "fad" diets and other weight-loss products on the market.
To ensure a healthy balanced diet you need to choose a variety of foods from the five food groups. Eating them in the right proportion will help you keep your weight under control. By eating fewer calories a day and exercising frequently you will be creating a calorie deficit which you need for consistent weight loss. It is important to eat the right type of foods to feel fuller for longer periods of time whilst getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy and active. Your weight loss can be enhanced by adding Burniva to your equation. Burniva can help you achieve your goals by;
- Binding to fat cells and enhancing removal of fat
- Increasing your energy for an increased volume and better quality of training
- Counteract decrease in metabolic rate whilst creating this calorie deficit
The five main food groups
Meat, fish and alternatives
Protein is essential for growth and repair. These protein-rich foods are also good sources of iron, zinc and B vitamins. Alternatives include foods such as eggs, beans and lentils. Choosing leaner cuts of meat, removing the skin from chicken and using low fat cooking techniques will help reduce total fat intake from the group. Aim to eat two portions of fish a week such as salmon and trout as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes
These starchy carbohydrate foods provide us with energy and other nutrients including iron and other B vitamins. Best choices are unrefined types that are higher in fibre content. These will make you feel fuller for longer and help you control your hunger. This food group should make up a third of your daily food intake.
Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are generally low in fat and calories and therefore a good substitute to snacks such as cake and biscuits. Since they contain a lot of water they help you control your calorie intake whilst providing a variety of vitamins, minerals and also fibre. Another third of your daily food intake should consist of this food group.
Milk and dairy foods
Milk and dairy foods are also a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals and contain the richest source of calcium in the diet. Best options are skimmed or semi-skimmed milk which contain just as much Calcium, protein and B vitamins.
Foods containing fat and/or sugar
Most of us eat more than we should from this group. Although these foods provide energy, they offer little nutritional value. It is best to limit the intake of foods containing fat and sugar as much as possible. Try to drink water or low-fat milk instead of sugar-rich drinks.
Regular water consumption is important for our health and diet and is essential for many functions in the body such as it aids in digestion, the absorption of food and the carrying of nutrients and oxygen to the cells in the body.
Ideally your BMI should be in the 18.5 to 25 range that is considered normal. If your BMI value which exceeds 25, then according to this index, you are over-weight and it is recommended that you embark on a weight-loss programme designed to reach your ideal weight target.
An effective weight-loss programnme requires the creation a calorific deficit. In essence you need to consume less calories than would normally be required for a person of your age, sex, and activity level through a controlled diet, or burn more calories than you are consuming through increased excercise. A combination of the two approaches i.e. controlling your food intake, and excercise, would not just accelerate your weight-loss programme, but also lead to the change in lifestyle required to stay within your ideal weight.
So, how big should this calorific defict be to hit your target. We recommend a gradual approach to weight-loss, creating a small, daily, calorific deficit. Based on your age, sex, and activity level, The Burniva Weight Loss Calculator estimates your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). The BMR is a measure of your daily calorific requirements at rest i.e. if you sit on your couch all day watching T.V. Once you specify your ideal weight target, and the time-span within which you would like to achieve your goal, the Burniva Weight Loss Calculator estimates the daily calorific deficit necessary to reach your goals. You will discover that losing weight within a reasonable time-span, is not as hard as you probably though if you set yourself small, long-term goals.
Calculate your BMIBody Mass Index is a measure of someone's weight in relation to height.
Please provide the following information in order to determine your Body Mass Index (BMI)